Liam Myers, Red Rock Canyon, 2018 |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Describe it. The subjects of the photo look weathered, but happy nonetheless, like a well-loved sweatshirt. Relate it. The tight aperture and closeness of the individuals has similarities with family photos. Analyze it. The subjects seem more curious of the photographer than Vivian is of them; Vivian being foreign, alien almost to her travel destinations was certainly given attention. Interpret it. The photo is very deep in its meaning, a sense of grit and fatigue is seen in the older subjects, while the younger individuals are unknowing of this. Evaluate it. This shot, likely one of the first she took in this country (note the ship in the background) gives us a good glimpse into their society and what it might be like.
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com
Describe it. A government building of importance looms over the intriguing battle of power observed in the foreground. Relate it. The environment makes clear that the main subject (women in white) is not free to go about her own way, rather is being instructed and commanded where to proceed. This is oddly similar to some of the interactions I have had with college admissions officers--overbearing in their power, certain in their own righteousness, unwilling to listen:~). Analyze it. The onlookers in the back are strange, watching the women's actions for some reason (maybe she's there boss? maybe they're her boss? maybe she's touring what looks to be (above car is rad symbol) a reactor?). Interpret it. I have to believe she is departing her visit of the important facility, possibly after evaluating it or writing an article on it? Evaluate it. What's most interesting is the three visible hands directing this women what to do. On the right, they're signaling for her to follow, whereas the man on the left is pointing her towards the car, wielding a radio in the other hand.
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com |
Vivian Maier, from: http://www.vivianmaier.com
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